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Chapter 6 PC Troubleshooting Chapter 6 PC Troubleshooting.Don't make your text decision without seeing Organic Chemistry, 5th edition by Janice Gorzynski Smith and Heidi Vollmer-Snarr!. See the New to Organic Chemistry with Biological Topics section for detailed content changes. Because of the close relationship between chemistry and many biological phenomena, Organic Chemistry with Biological Topics presents an approach to traditional organic chemistry that incorporates the discussion of biological applications that are understood using the fundamentals of organic chemistry. The fifth edition features a modernized look with updated chemical structures throughout. Janice Smith draws on her extensive teaching background to deliver organic chemistry in a way in which students learn: with limited use of text paragraphs, and through concisely written bulleted lists and highly detailed, well-labeled "teaching" illustrations.

This new fifth edition retains its popular delivery of organic chemistry content in a student-friendly format. Smith's Organic Chemistry with Biological Topics continues to breathe new life into the organic chemistry world.